Month: June 2015

Creating a Welcoming and Connected City: The story of Philly311’s Youth Engagement Program

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A few weeks ago I posed a challenge to my Philly311 Customer Service Programs and Engagement Strategist, Amanda V. Wagner: Create a program that encourages young people to be civicly involved. Amanda leads the Philly311 Customer Service Programs and Strategies Unit which is responsible for Philly311’s customer service innovative programs and communications.

She was excited by the idea; however creating the program would be a challenge within itself. Daniel Ramos, Philly311’s Community Engagement Coordinator managed a similar program in the past with the 311 Youth Neighborhood Liaison Program. The experience that Daniel acquired during the 311 Youth Neighborhood Liaison Program would shape what recently became the Youth Engagement Program.

I strongly believe that by engaging young talent early we can  help resolve future neighborhood problems, and encourage a younger generation to consider a career in government. At the core of Philly311’s philosophy is one simple idea. Philly311 connects citizens to city services and resources, and there is a plethora of city services available to people outside of what citizens see on a daily basis. We want to educate adults about those city related services, and especially kids who could benefit most from it.

For example, one of the organizations we have partnered with on the youth program, After School Activities Partnerships (ASAP), works to serve the 45,000 kids citywide that spend an average of “20-25 hours a week alone after school between 3pm and 6pm, the most dangerous time of day for youth according to the Police Department.” Organizations like ASAP are a huge resource to citizens and meet a significant need in the community.

The Philly311 Youth Engagement Program (Y.E.P) kicks off in July for five week sessions. Y.E.P’s programming will teach a group of early middle school kids how to interact with Philly311, including a discussion on our award winning mobile app, and how to engage with community resources.  Y.E.P has partnered with several City of Philadelphia affiliated youth programs to provide a well-rounded roster of opportunities. Under the supervision of Amanda V. Wagner, and Director of Communications for Philly311 Customer Service, Gabriela Raczka, the program has created long lasting alliances with community partners.

I am grateful for a great Philly311 team that shares my passion for government customer service, and I’m looking forward to the feedback we’ll receive and the impact the program will create for the children of Philadelphia.

A Different Approach to Community Engagement

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Amanda V. Wagner, our Customer Service Programs Strategist and Philly311 TV Executive Producer, came to me with an interesting story. While filming Executive  Director of the Mayor’s Office of Community, Empowerment, and Opportunity, Eva Gladstein, she asked the director, “With such a high poverty rate, what is the best way to reach some of the citizens who are, naturally, very skeptical of city government?” The answer, of course, is establishing trust and properly educating people in their own communities.

The “in the community” model has shifted with technology. The digital divide does not necessarily follow the poverty divide. More people have access to smart technology today than ever before. “In the community” can also mean in your pocket, living room, and place of work. This is the ethos behind a lot of our community engagement efforts. Sure, videos are pretty and entertaining, but most importantly they are an effective way to engage the community and meet our customers on their own time.

Please check out our most recent interviews with Director of LGBT Affairs for The Mayor’s Office Helen “Nellie” Fitzpatrick, Executive  Director of the Mayor’s Office of Community, Empowerment, and Opportunity Eva Gladstein, Commissioner of Licenses and Inspections Carlton Williams, Managing Director Richard Negrin, and me. And follow Philly311 on twitter for updates on new videos.